The Screen

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Constant Gardener

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Genre: Drama, Thriller, Crime

I dont usually watch drama films and the title dont exactly catches my attention... what's with gardening anyway? Or i thought it was something to do with gardening and stuff but i didnt expect it to be this good. Call it boredome why i manage to think of watching it (it's a better choice than the others that are currently playing)... and did i regret it? Not even close.

It's one of those dramas that has sense, and can dubiously be real. I think it's one of those movies that i'll remember for a long time. Cinematography is excellent, storyline is smart and well done... and of course great ensemble of actors. Ralph Fiennes delivered a subtle but compelling character, so as Rachel Weisz depiction.

If i have to watch it again, i would do in an instant.
90 out of 100


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