The Screen

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Corpse Bride

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Genre: Animated, Fantasy, Comedy

This is just one of those movies that i am anticipating to watch, it's a Tim Burton film so this would probably be a fantastic one... and i was not disappointed. Burton's magic is there, and it's wonderful how he and his crew managed to make such an awesome artwork.

Going to the story, it was quite a predictable plot but i think it was meant to be like that (dont want the kids to wonder what's what and go around in circles trying to comprehend the movie). Predictable as it was, it went smoothly and not boring. Entertainment factor was added (if you're fond of music acts) by the music genius himself, Danny Elfman... which like in any of his previous works, sounds excellent.

Anyways, enough said... overall, another Burton Masterpiece!
88 out of 100


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