The Screen

Monday, November 21, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

I say, it's bloody marvelous... the best Harry Potter film thus far. It's no longer for the kids i must say, the storyline gets a darker plot... darker than the previous one (Prisoner of Azkaban). Why you say? coz there death involved, yes... characters getting killed! and no, am not giving names... but as far as we know it's not Harry (wish it was) or else there's no more Order of the Pheonix and the Half-Blooded Prince.

Anwyays, enough rambling. Like i mentioned before, sequels usually tends to be like left overs of the film, this is one exception though coz i like the sequels better than the first one.

So my verdict is 97 out of 100

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Harold and Kumar Goes to White Castle

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Genre: Comedy

This one buddy film that really cracked me out laughing, even if there are racism involved, but it did hell made me laugh... a lot! It never was clear what's with the White Castle until i saw what they're really aiming for... It's quite shallow but the adventure is hilarious. I should have seen this in the cinemas when it was shown but there were only limited screening (i should hate MTRCB for this). The film is as senseless as beavies and butthead probably, but does deliver a wise crack jokes and stints throughout the entirety of the flick. I must say, Asians does rule :P.

95 out of 100

p.s. now i can relate to harold about the rabies thing.


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Genre: Action

I never believed at the time the film said "this is based on a true story" until i saw the real Domino Harvey at the end of the movie... well, i then believed that there is such a Domino Harvey but the story itself is unrealistic and i feel it was so exaggerated (or i am really left out of the news in the 90s...). Despite the doubt, the film is interesting... the "exaggeration" may have lifted the movie from boredome so i give them credit to that. Cinematogrpahy is quite nice, like there's a feel of "art film"... picture is grainy, shots are cool, storytelling/flashbacks are good. I guess i am going to say it's sort of a nice action flick, i'll just have to convince myself that it is what they say "real".

85 out of 100

Four Brothers

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Genre: Action, Drama

If american suburbs are depicted exactly as what i saw in this movie, i will never ever going to visit the USA. Pretty violent and quite unrealistic i should say, but hey, it could be possible that it is really happening since i dont know the other side of lifestyle in that country. It's not really a catchy film, just four brothers out for a vengeance for the death of their mother... and no, their mother is not a slut if you look at these "brothers", they're adopted ones (so you dont have to wonder why they're a pair of white and black guys). Anyways, that's about it with the story, nothing really of an interesting thing unless you're up for some street violence.

78 out of 100

Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo

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Genre: Sex-Comedy

Funny if you are fond of sex-themed comedy such as this one, but like any other or most sequels that ever come out... the sequel usually ends up as a left over. This movie is no exception, same sex craze flick as the last one with some recycled humor stint but done in a different way (which makes it not funny anymore), have some few good new humor to come with it but really doesnt make a better appeal. I like the first one better... that's all i can say.

75 out of 100