The Screen

Sunday, November 06, 2005


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Genre: Action

I never believed at the time the film said "this is based on a true story" until i saw the real Domino Harvey at the end of the movie... well, i then believed that there is such a Domino Harvey but the story itself is unrealistic and i feel it was so exaggerated (or i am really left out of the news in the 90s...). Despite the doubt, the film is interesting... the "exaggeration" may have lifted the movie from boredome so i give them credit to that. Cinematogrpahy is quite nice, like there's a feel of "art film"... picture is grainy, shots are cool, storytelling/flashbacks are good. I guess i am going to say it's sort of a nice action flick, i'll just have to convince myself that it is what they say "real".

85 out of 100


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