The Screen

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Lord of War

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Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime

It's good to see Nicolas Cage do another movie, portrayed the character in the movie quite nicely, film itself might just be a bit mediocre, if not better. Though certainly good in it's own way, but it's not likely an award winning piece... but i could be wrong.

Honestly though, the story itself is creative enough, with a bit of funny sides at some portions, and heartbreaking too... but it's really just a rundown about a life of an arms dealer and how he dealth with the life he has chosen. It would be nice to see it again, but i guess i'll just have to wait for in HBO or in any networks that would show the film... and yes, i dont mind to wait. It's good enough but i am not that excited to see it on the cinemas for a second viewing.

87 out of 100


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